I adore Your romantic heart!

I adore Your romantic heart!

Welcome to the blog My life is Captivating!

Me and my husband will do out best to share with you the life of our spirit, soul and body here! Be blessed in Jesus!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bijuteriile care povestesc...!

Am luat aceasta initiativa in tentativa de a face ceva practic si generator de venit in scopul prevenirii traficului de fiinte umane si restaurarea celor care au suferit in urma lui...la fel aceasta este si o terapie psihologica prin culori pentru persoanele care le confectioneaza...de asemenea, tin sa mentionez ca orice lucru pe care il facem transmite... un mesaj, tot asa dupa cum toate lucrurile create de Dumnezeu ne transmit mesajul Creatorului...spre lauda harului Sau!!!
multumiri speciale tutori celor care au contribuit la acest inceput in mod inspirational, informational, financiar, in calitate de suporteri si echipa: Beads shop din SAR, Meli Berighianu, Lavi Rad, Maria Banzari, dna Sabina de la IOM, Michael Beer, Robert Tweedy, Anisoara Atamaniuc, familia Socot, Daniel Marcu, etc. Mesaj pentru ceilalti: sunati, comandati, intrati, intrati si cumparati...avem de toate ;)!!

I've taken this initiative as an attempt to do something practical and income generating in the prevention of the human trafficking and the restoration of the survivors...also this is a color therapy for the ones practicing this art. it's also very important to mention the fact that everything we do carries a message within it, as well as all the things created by God carry a meaning from their Creator - to the praise of the glory of His grace!!!
Special thanks to all those involved who contributed to this beginning in various ways: inspirational, informational, financial, as a supporting team, etc.: Beads shop from SAR, Meli Berighianu, Lavi Rad, Maria Banzari, Mrs Sabina from IOM, Anatol Malancea, Michael Beer, Robert Tweedy, Anisoara Atamaniuc, Socot family, Daniel Marcu, etc. The message for the rest: call, order, come by and buy - we've got them all ;)!!!

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